Circle Leader Resource Page

Before your first meeting, it is important to have at least three (five is better) people in your circle.  You will be notified by Group Vitals, our Temple Circles software, as folks sign up for your circle. You may be given a choice to accept or decline them. For security reasons, circle participants must be members of the temple, part of the Birmingham Jewish Community, or have a sincere interest in Judaism.  If you aren’t sure if the person asking to join your circle meets one of the above criteria, please contact Billie Marsala at

Here are some resources for your convenience:

  1. Guidelines & Best Practices Booklet
  2. Leader’s Handbook
  3. Online Training for Leaders of Temple Circles
  4. Resources for Leader Training
  5. How to Participate and/or Host a Zoom Session
  6. Group Vitals
  7. Group Vitals Leader Onboarding


All leaders have been assigned a coach. You should have received a notice from Group Vitals telling you the name and contact info for your coach.  If you don’t recall seeing that notice, please contact Marilynn Rothstein at  Your coach will contact you before the start of your circle to say “hello,” and fine-tune details with you regarding your circle’s first get-together.   If you’d like to connect with your coach, before that, please don’t hesitate to reach out to him/her/them.


We wish all of you much luck with your circles as you build relationships while sharing a common interest and have fun DOING JEWISH TOGETHER!


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