Make your life a blessing, and create a Jewish legacy
The Grafman Legacy Society recognizes those who have made or pledged lasting gifts to the Rabbi Grafman Endowment Fund. These people are planting seeds for the future that will sustain our Temple for future generations, at the same time enhancing and enriching our current programs. You may join the 175 members of the Grafman Legacy Society by notifying us that you have arranged:
A Legacy Gift that benefits Temple Emanu-El, including:
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Purchase a Life Insurance Policy and gift the ownership of the policy to the Temple
To include Temple Emanu-El as beneficiary of future gifts, including:
Bequest in your will
Beneficiary of an existing Life Insurance Policy
Beneficiary of your IRA or 401k
Established a Named Endowment Fund, with an endowment gift of $5,000 or more.
Recognition as part of the Grafman Legacy Society is voluntary and without obligation, and includes your name being listed in our Endowment Fund Annual Report and on our Grafman Legacy Society Recognition Wall located on the 2nd floor foyer outside of the Engel Library. To view a list of our current Grafman Legacy Society members, click here.
For more information on deferred or planned gift opportunities, please contact Alison Berman, Endowment Fund Executive Director at (205)397-0814 or