This Week at Temple Emanu-El: Wednesday, March 5 – Sewing Group at 10:00 AM, “Studying The Psalms” with Monika Singletary online via ZOOM at 12:00 Noon, Mid-Week Hebrew School at 3:45 PM | Friday, March 7 – Prayer Gathering for the release of captives in Israel at 5:30 PM, Erev Shabbat Service at 6:00 PM | Saturday, March 8 – Torah Study at 9:00 AM, “Love Pray Eat” Shabbat Morning Service – followed by lunch at 10:00 AM | Sunday, March 9 – Religious School at 9:30 AM

Temple Emanu-El is a welcoming Reform Jewish congregation, engaging members in prayer, study, fellowship, and acts of loving kindness for our congregational family and the community at-large.

Shabbat This Week

Torah Portion:
Parashat T’tzaveh
Exodus 27:20-30:10

Haftarah: Esther 7:1-10; 8:15-17
[Historic: I Samuel 15:2-34]

Click Here to learn more about this week’s Torah portion.

Friday – March 7

5:30 PM Prayer Gathering for the release of captives in Israel this week
6:00 PM Erev Shabbat Service

Saturday – March 8

10:00 AM “Love Pray Eat” Shabbat Morning Service – followed by lunch

Erev Shabbat Service

Friday 6:00 PM

“Love Pray Eat” Shabbat Morning Service

followed by lunch
Saturday 10:00 AM
