I have a deep and long connection with Temple Emanu-El, as my mother and father were very active and close with Ida Grafman. I recall that my mother came to services EVERY Saturday morning. My own passion and love for this congregation grew through its music. I was part of the children’s choir, and then a member of the adult choir as a teenager and at High Holy Day services during Rabbi Grafman’s tenure while Herbert Grieb was the choir director.
While I went on to sing opera, I also continue singing here on occasion – it means a lot to me personally. I have been inspired by a particular sermon about being active and a part of the Temple as you continue your journey through life. As the sermon suggested, participating in some form or fashion in temple life will keep your Jewish identity strong. I truly believe that.
So, I am pleased to participate both with my talent and passion for music, as well as by leaving a bequest in my will to benefit the Temple. Today, we are the best that we have ever been, and I am proud to help ensure that Temple Emanu-El’s vitality will be here for many years to come.