Legacy Stories
“I am proud to help ensure Temple Emanu-El’s vitality continues for years to come”

Sam Tennenbaum, Jr.I have a deep and long connection with Temple Emanu-El, as my mother and father were very active and close with Ida Grafman. I recall that my mother came to services EVERY Saturday morning. My own passion and love for this congregation grew through its music. I was part of the children’s choir, and then a member of the adult choir as a teenager and at High Holy Day services during Rabbi Grafman’s tenure while Herbert Grieb was the choir director.

While I went on to sing opera, I also continue singing here on occasion – it means a lot to me personally. I have been inspired by a particular sermon about being active and a part of the Temple as you continue your journey through life. As the sermon suggested, participating in some form or fashion in temple life will keep your Jewish identity strong. I truly believe that.

So, I am pleased to participate both with my talent and passion for music, as well as by leaving a bequest in my will to benefit the Temple. Today, we are the best that we have ever been, and I am proud to help ensure that Temple Emanu-El’s vitality will be here for many years to come.

~ Sam Tennenbaum, Jr.

Reprinted from the 2015 Annual Report

Leaving Your Legacy

As we honor the visionary commitment of these thoughtful philanthropists, we hope, in turn, that others will be inspired to follow their footsteps. Establishing your personal legacy gift of any size is welcomed — and will leave a unique and lasting imprint of your and/or your family’s deep connection to our traditions, culture, values and congregation.

To learn more about the many legacy opportunities available, click here, or contact Alison Berman in the Endowment Office at aberman@ourtemple.org or (205) 397-0814.
