Legacy Stories
“Temple Emanu-El are a big part of both of us ”

Meredith & Daniel OdrezinMy Jewish memories are all of Temple Emanu-El — I think back on my bar mitzvah, Confirmation class, and going to Southside Baptist Church for religious school during the construction of the new building. After college I joined the Temple as soon as I moved back to Birmingham. When we got married in Savanah, I was thrilled that Temple Emanu-El was with us for this important event in our lives — as Cantor Roskin performed our wedding ceremony.

Meredith grew up in Huntsville with family who was also very involved in their synagogue, and coming to Temple Emanu-El has always been so welcoming as we both have so much family and friends of all different ages scattered throughout the congregation. While we are not a regular “temple-goers”, having a strong Reform Jewish congregation is an important staple of our Jewish community. Therefore, our Temple’s future is very important to us.

With my work with the Birmingham Jewish Foundation, I have a unique perspective on how meaningful a strong endowment or foundation can be. I look at it as a savings account or retirement fund — as it will make a big difference down the road. That’s an important reason why we’ve chosen to make an Annual Endowment Gift each year. If we all could make a habit of contributing to it — even if its only a small amount — it will gradually grow strong over time and will be able to ensure financial security for the future. That’s incredibly important to us.

~ Meredith & Daniel Odrezin

Reprinted from the 2018 Annual Report

Leaving Your Legacy

As we honor the visionary commitment of these thoughtful philanthropists, we hope, in turn, that others will be inspired to follow their footsteps. Establishing your personal legacy gift of any size is welcomed — and will leave a unique and lasting imprint of your and/or your family’s deep connection to our traditions, culture, values and congregation.

To learn more about the many legacy opportunities available, click here, or contact Alison Berman in the Endowment Office at aberman@ourtemple.org or (205) 397-0814.
