Barbara and I are so pleased that we were able to accelerate our bequest to create a Dues Endowment Fund so that our dues will be available for years after we are no longer here. The Temple has meant so much to us over three generations. Barbara’s parents and grandparents were lifelong active members. Like us, they could often be seen in our “family seats” at the aisle near the back of the Sanctuary. And even during our recent 17-year absence while we lived in Destin, we retained our membership and usually came back to attend High Holy Day services here.
We have seen many changes over the years. While we are old-line Reform Jews in many ways, we have tried to adjust as some of the old traditions have slowly become a thing of the past. We have felt extremely fortunate with the spiritual leadership of wonderful rabbis, cantors, music directors and a choir that makes our Holy Day services so especially meaningful. And we have been blessed with clergy who have not been afraid to speak out against the many wrongs that we have seen in our city and state, as well as participate as passionate leaders in our community.
This Temple has always been our home and our bedrock. We have raised our family here, shared happy and sad times together with our friends here, served on committees and attended educational programs here. We love this sacred building — as it is the place that stands for so many of the things that we believe in. We wish for this Temple many future years of success and prosperity, and may it always maintain its position as a lead representative of the Jewish people who live in Birmingham and throughout the South.
By accelerating and giving our legacy gift during our lifetimes, we feel fortunate that we do not have to burden our daughters in the future with decisions of what organizations have made an impact and been important to us. This dues endowment fund is just a small way that we hope will help to provide a strong financial base for the future — and we hope that others who have been as fortunate as us will consider doing the same.