Legacy Stories
“It is important to us that the Temple remains strong and vibrant”

Rochelle & Mike KoslinRochelle and I were raised with a strong connection to our synagogue. Rochelle is from a close-knit congregational community in Montgomery, and I was lucky enough to have all my life cycle events conducted by Rabbi Grafman.

In considering a legacy gift, Rochelle and I wanted to leave something meaningful to help ensure the future of our synagogue. It is very important to us that Temple Emanu-El remains strong and vibrant – not just for today, but for the future.

We realized that a perfect way to accomplish our goals was to create a fund to endow our dues. The establishment of this fund helps provide for the day-to-day operations and programming of the Temple every year in perpetuity – even after we have moved or passed away. In making this gift, we also hope to instill in our daughters the importance and responsibility of continued financial support for the Temple and this community.

~ Rochelle & Mike Koslin

Reprinted from the 2013 Annual Report

Leaving Your Legacy

As we honor the visionary commitment of these thoughtful philanthropists, we hope, in turn, that others will be inspired to follow their footsteps. Establishing your personal legacy gift of any size is welcomed — and will leave a unique and lasting imprint of your and/or your family’s deep connection to our traditions, culture, values and congregation.

To learn more about the many legacy opportunities available, click here, or contact Alison Berman in the Endowment Office at aberman@ourtemple.org or (205) 397-0814.
