Our Temple Facilities

Celebrate Your Events in our Beautiful Home

We consider our Temple’s physical facilities to be among the finest in the South. Like many historic congregations, we have grown through a series of buildings. In 2000, the Temple raised $17.5 million for a renovation and expansion of our historic facility. Our current sanctuary, originally constructed in 1912, was extensively remodeled and expanded to seat 720. Our smaller chapel, which accommodates 120 worshipers, showcases the Temple’s original aron hakodesh from 1886. Our renovation included the addition of a large multipurpose congregational center with several floors of classrooms to support educational needs, along with meeting rooms, offices, a fully equipped kitchen and a large combined library and gathering area. These facilities were augmented by two social halls on the ground floor which are separated by a magnificent glass-ceiling atrium and circular staircase. A new adjacent multi-level parking deck was also added, providing ample parking for congregants and guests. During our 18-month renovation process, we were welcomed by the Southside Baptist Church, a few blocks away, to worship in their beautiful sanctuary.

If you are interested in reserving this or any of our lovely rooms, please contact Doug Hocutt at dhocutt@ourtemple.org or 933-8037.
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